Icecream and Pickles

Ice cream and pickles! I loved this stamp the second I saw it and now I had a reason to buy it! :) Stamp by Krista Smith, Saturated Canary Enterning this in the anything goes, monthly Kit and Clowder challenge . The text says something like "Happily Expecting" in dutch. It is to early to know if the baby will be a boy or girl, so I wanted to use both pink and blue papers, thats also why I made the pink and blue ice cream :D Colors used: Skin: E000,00,21,11,04 R20 Hair: E33,35,37,29 Purple: V12,15,17 Skirt/Cone: E40,41,43,47 don't remember the other colors would have to check my copic box for those Hope you like it ***