
Yay!! I did it!! Happy Dance!! Haha, sorry just had to do that :P Ok, now lets go from the start. I love drawing, have been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil. If there is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil around you'll see me doodling stuff. Since I started colloring stamps (which is about 2 and half years ago) I saw a way to share my drawings. So I said lets make my own drawings into stamps. Well that sure was easier said then done. I scanned many of my drawings, but I never found the patience to redraw them digitialy. Or if I did try I was never statisfied and would delete them again. Yesterday I finally pushed through and finished my first Digi Stamp! Yay! I ran into some problems with the sizing, making the details to tiny to color, but at the end of the day she was done! I went and collored her up my self and put her on a card! Her name is Eliza She is a fun and sassy young lady with short hair Loves princess ...